Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Some Things I'm Loving...

Every now and then, I find some thing that I am so stoked about.  Today, I want to share two of them with you - 'cuz we're cool like that!

I love the idea of feeding my family brown rice, but can never seem to cook it perfectly.  I've tried a single boil, a double boil, a rice cooker... everything.  Nothing seems to make this healthy alternative into a tasty alternative... until now.  Something about scratching the rice grains to allow for a quicker soak or something... but this stuff cooks in like a third of the time as regular brown rice... and surprise - it has great flavor.  I cook it in chicken broth and that's it.  I would actually serve this rice to guests... it's that good... revolutionary!

To be honest with you, I can't really afford many rugs these days...this stay-at-home mommy gig doesn't pay much!  But I have been drooling over Dash & Albert's rugs for a while and I happened to see them carried at one of my favorite boutique-ey (like my new word?) stores in Alameda - Daisy's.  I actually picked up and unrolled a rug that I knew was PERFECT for my guest bathroom/kids' bathroom. [Aside: Imagine the kind of challenges that come with trying to decorate an adult themed guest bathroom while still making it kid friendly enough for evening bathtime and toddler potty training!] As I stared at that beauty of a rug, ran my hands over it, wiped my tears, one of the workers explained to me that this was actually an indoor/outdoor rug.  My initial thought was, "Dang it... I can't decorate worth anything!" But then she got super excited as she explained to me how amazing this rug actually was... it was perfectly comfortable underfoot yet could be sprayed down with a hose and washed outside.  Wait - did she say I could wash it down with a hose?! Uh, HELLO!?! Music to a potty training toddler mom's ears!  I was sold.  Did I mention to you that this beauty was actually in my budget too?  Beautiful and affordable.  It had it all going on!  Yeah for things working out, right? 

So now it's your turn.  What are some things you are super pumped about lately... those things that the rest of us should not go on living without knowing?

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