Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Home Verse

Proverbs 11:25 (TNIV)

"A generous person will prosper;
 whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

A friend on Facebook shared this verse in his status today. I actually stopped in my scrolling "tracks" and thought about this verse.  I ran it through in my head - over and over.  This makes sense to me. This is really what we want our home to represent.  Having just purchased a new place, this is really real to me.  We want the people who walk in our doors to be refreshed and to feel blessed.  We love an amazing God and are constantly aware of how much we also need His refreshing.

The way this verse resonated with me made me think about a post by Emily over at Jones Design Company.  She asked the question, "What kind of family are you?"  I really didn't think that I had an answer for that and went on my way.  But having read this verse led me to the thought: What if that was what our family was all about? What if we were a generous and refreshing family?  How cool would that be?

That's what I want our home and our lives to speak!

And now the artsy part of me is trying to figure out a creative way to display this verse in our home!  Any suggestions?

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